Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 10.08.39 PM

How does one put words to an experience that defies language?

Many have tried:

Tony Robbins said, “It altered my life.” 

Mike Tyson called it “Totally transformational.”

I’ll try my best to put words to it, too.

I am talking about Bufo, also called The Toad5-MeO-DMT, or The God Molecule

Bufo is the dried venom secreted by the Bufo alvarius toad. I am told that extracting the substance from the toad is like popping a pimple 😝. Despite my experience in the pimple domain, I didn’t get to do that. I just inhaled a giant hit of Bufo from a pipe, in a safe setting with a skilled and gentle facilitator. 

With an exhale, I surrendered my hold on my familiar world. I left the here-and-now instantly and floated into a nirvana-like dimension.

The Bufo experience is often referred to as ego death. The self, together with its active mind, drops away as you experience what has been called a range of confounding words, including…unity, one-consciousness, god, source, creator.

Many people are interested in Bufo, precisely because they are told it is like dying. But, of course, you can come back to blog about it. 😁 There is indeed a sensation of crossing over, akin to the tales of Near Death Experiences. Now, if death is anything remotely similar to the dimension I entered, please don’t fear it. In fact, bring it on – 😂!

Seriously, for about 45 minutes, I was perfectly and utterly divorced from my own chattering mind and had no awareness of environmental elements, like the two lovely humans and percussive music in the room. Instead, I was welcomed into a star-studded vastness where I was enveloped by (again I am at a loss for words, but what I will call…) deep all-encompassing universal love.

I personally remain skeptical about the similarity of the Bufo experience to death. At the same time, I do feel optimistic that the dimension I visited is part of life, or the here-and-now. 

Love is here for the taking. There are moments for each of us when we can reach out and touch the edges (or perhaps more) of the cosmic dimension I visited. We can feel the depth of love that latches on to our souls, catches in our hearts, brings passion to our bodies, and tears to our eyes. 

I am yet another lucky witness to the fact that a vast universe of infinite love exists. We don’t have to wait for death. We can access it now, in this life. I believe it’s there for each of us – even without the help of a toad.

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