
Today, it seems that everyone – I mean, everyone! –  is traumatized and in need of healing. Are we in the midst of a trauma pandemic?

I do not minimize the gravity of real trauma by even a smidgen. Trauma is a deep wound, a response to intensely stressful events or situations. And we all know that PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a condition that can cause terrifying flashbacks and debilitating anxiety. 

But… (Or should I say, And…)

People now flock to psychedelics to uncover childhood trauma. And if childhood trauma does not reveal itself, then perhaps you’ll feel relieved if you at least discover ancestral or epigenetic trauma? The psychedelic renaissance has been re-named by some as the “traumadelic culture.”  

In fact, there is research that indicates that when plant medicine facilitators mention in pre-journey prep the high possibility of discovering trauma in one’s past, participants are more likely to actually have trauma-themed journeys. Suggestion is powerful. 

Naturally, there are instances of real and often healing discoveries from plant medicine experiences. There are also many manufactured epiphanies, and even post-journey disappointments that severe trauma was not uncovered. After all, wouldn’t the discovery of a childhood trauma be a convenient excuse for all our struggles and setbacks?

My coaching work has always focused on addressing challenges, casting off stale limiting narratives, and stepping assertively into what’s possible. If I would dare to influence the outcome of your journey with a powerful suggestion, I would say: This journey may expand your understanding of what is beautifully present in your world. It may open you up to your meaningful purpose and boundless potential. 

And if your trauma is indeed present and painful, I would hold you and help guide you toward PTG: Post Traumatic Growth.

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37 miles. 14 hours. The length of my one-day trek