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Some of my journeys have been intensely introverted, sinking with closed eyes into visions and downloading messages to take home. In contrast, night 2 of this retreat felt like the fun-est, wackiest, intensely social night of my life. Yet, it was still profound.

The  shaman gave me a sacred “cocktail” of refined ayahuasca, stirred vigorously into sweet pineapple juice. Please don’t try this at home. : ) Journeys require expert facilitation in safe harbors.

It was an experience that challenged my rational, MBA-trained, atheistic self. I witnessed my fellow journey-ers in visible orbs of energy, in trance-like states, speaking ancient languages, healing others. REALLY.

Broadway could not have done it better. 

Words escapes me here. What I can articulate more easily was that I was having the time of my life, watching a dramatic display of humanity in all of its colors – with magic, empathy, ego, and humor. 

I laughed a lot. I also hugged, embraced, and stroked a lot.

Newbie Note: Here, I must say a word about safety. Sacred plants can loosen inhibition. I can imagine how people (particularly, young females) can be violated in spaces where there are no protocols for safety and harm avoidance. Please make sure that if and when you journey, there is articulated regulation around boundaries along with steel-strong reputations for keeping them!

For me, it was pure pleasure to NOT use my words but to use my touch to communicate. Again, with permission and with boundaries. 

As always, I was a keen observer of all that was going on with the players in the journey space. My observational skills are a gift – one that has served me well as an Executive Coach. My heightened ability to perceive and understand others is actually the result of a deficit in my childhood. Having never being placed in a comfortable, suitable environment where I could be part of the community, I learned to always take my seat at the top of the proverbial fence, watching but never joining.

This night was different from all others. I discovered that I could be an observer AND a participant at the same time. The loneliness that I often feel without sufficient community is one that I know I share with so many in our society. It’s a modern-day malady. That night felt like pure, undiluted fun – the beginning of deeper connection with community.

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37 miles. 14 hours. The length of my one-day trek